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DAEMON Tools Pro helps you mount virtual disks with no problem through its streamlined interface and clear sets of controls. With all features easily accessible, this program is powerful enough to satisfy advanced users while intuitive enough for beginners to figure out quickly.
There may come a day that optical drives are as hard to find as 5.25 floppy drives are today. WinToFlash starts a wizard that will help pull over the contents of a windows installation CD or DVD and prep the USB drive to become a bootable replacement for the optical drive.
The latest release of Corel Studio focuses on building up its consumer-level video-editing and production suite. Version X6 of VideoStudio is essentially Corels response to the rise of HD content on affordable consumer gadgets.
Windows Movie Maker gives you the tools to create, edit, and share home movies. Compile and edit a movie from video clips with drag-and-drop functionality.
VOB is the software that is mostly used in DVDs. However, with much advancement in technology, it has become easier to watch videos, listen to music, record, etc. on portable devices such as mobile phones, iPods, etc. In order to view videos that are in the VOB format, this free VOB Player is ideal for any users.
Photo Slideshow Maker Free Version makes it easy to create attractive photo slideshows that you can watch on your computer, burn to CD or DVD, or post online on your blog, website, or social media hangout. It takes your images and combines them with templates, transition effects, backgrounds, Flash options, and music and sound to create coherent presentations that can tell stories, celebrate people and events, display your products, or just look cool.
ConvertXtoDVD gives you the tools you need to take any video files from your computer and burn them to a DVD. While this procedure has always been possible, this program removes the complications and makes the process accessible to even novice users.
what kinds of disc you can burn, how much and what kind of data they can hold, and how long it takes to burn them. But for the second requirement, the burning tool, you have a lot more choices, and a lot of them are free.
Windows Movie Maker 2 is so easy a child could use it--an incredibly patient child born to filmmaker parents who didnt mind restarting this application every few minutes. From the get-go, you get the feeling that this isnt going to be an easy program to like; Microsofts installer doesnt play nice. It gives the user no input on program location or other options.
BurnAware Free completely handles any burned disc, whether you need music, a movie, or something much more complicated. It does it with a straightforward interface and even lets you start from scratch with its deletion feature. This program is far superior to any burner that only handles just one or two types of discs.