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Major alternative browser Opera has continued to refine and improve its product. The browser functions well and includes unique features that set it above its competitors


FileZilla is a powerful, free file management tool for FTP access to your Web sites server. Containing numerous tools to help upload and download files between your local machine and the server on which your site is hosted, this is a reliable, intuitive tool for anyone in the Web development field.
Advanced Uninstaller PRO

Advanced Uninstaller PRO

Advanced Uninstaller Pro has been protecting the files of Windows PC users for more than 15 years. This powerful free tool provides a range of options for permanently deleting sensitive files, cleaning your Registry, optimizing and backing up your Registry and Windows core files, and removing unwanted software from your machine. When a program just refuses to leave, this is the software to get rid of it.
Adobe Flash Player

Adobe Flash Player

mproved to give the best the Internet has to offer, Adobe Flash Player 11 shows a quantum leap in performance over previous versions. It has a number of new features designed to take full advantage of the newer 64-bit browsers and operating systems available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. This makes it a more effective tool for Web developers and anyone who enjoys media-rich applications or sites like YouTube. However, with the improvement come a few headaches that users of certain browsers may encounter.
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) (64-Bit)

Java Runtime Environment (JRE) (64-Bit)

Oracles Java Runtime Environment (JRE) for 64-bit Windows PCs contains the Java Virtual Machine, software libraries, components, and plug-ins that tons of programs, media, and Web sites need to display advanced multimedia content and animation. Version 7 Update 55 of Javas Standard Edition addresses 37 security vulnerabilities while reducing the frequency of security notifications in certain installations.


WinAmp 5.3 took some long-needed steps to improve the old-school media player, with support for AAC encoding, CD burning, and a robust file-management system. WinAmp 5.56 ups the ante with strong support for portable devices, including iPods, the ability to sync non-DRMed files to your PC from your device, an optional new interface layout and a built-in browser for media discovery.


TeamViewer is an app that allows you to remotely connect to multiple workstations. There are many apps that allow remote control of different systems, but TeamViewer is set up to be extremely accessible, while also being powerful. Whether managing an IT department or just helping your neighbor down the street fix their computer, it is an application worth installing on your system.
FLV Downloader

FLV Downloader

FLV Downloader lets you download and convert videos from YouTube and many other similar sites with just a few quick clicks of the mouse. With a straightforward interface and plenty of options for use, this app is a good option for users of all experience levels.
Free Download Manager

Free Download Manager

Free Download Manager helps you download all kinds of files from various sites. It can handle multiple downloads simultaneously.
Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

Java Standard Edition (SE) is a free software bundle that provides the Java Runtime Environment and the libraries and components you need to display a wide range of programs and Web content on 32-bit Windows PCs. It includes the Java plug-in for Web browsers and Java Web Start for deploying standalone apps written in Java over the Internet or other networks. Java SE Version 7 Update 55 addresses 37 security vulnerabilities.

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